
Quem perde os seus bens, perde muito; quem perde um amigo, perde mais; mas quem perde a coragem, perde tudo.
(Miguel de Cervantes)
"Buffy is backing up against the wall without her sword while Angelus slowly and deliberately advances on her holding his.
Angelus plays with his sword, idly pointing it at Buffy. She looks up at him, frightened.
Angelus: Now that's everything, huh? No weapons... No friends... No hope.
Buffy closes her eyes.
Angelus: Take all that away... and what's left?
He draws the sword back and thrusts it directly at her face. With fast reflexes she swings up with both arms and catches the blade between the palms of her hands. She opens her eyes and meets his.
Buffy: Me."
(BtVS - season 2 - Becoming part II)
Isabel Reis Santos
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